Thursday, 3 June 2010


Recalling the Boots advert from one New Year campaign or other, some of you may be concerned that I am taking too much on at once. And some of you might not care. But just to be clear, I'm not.

What I am doing is putting my wish list, my goals, my targets or whatever you like to call them in a place where they can remind me daily of what I want to achieve. The trouble with me in the past is that the wish list has stayed in my head and therefore been subjected to that drunken jockey I referred to in an earlier post. Which has resulted in things becoming, well, befuddled. By putting the wishes out into the real world they will hopefully become more manifest and I will be able to look on them admiringly as they do their thing and give me the courage to admire myself for taking on the challenge. And that makes me feel good.

So, to add to the list (currently consisting of Learning to Drive, Getting Thinner, Being Terribly Naughty) today I am presenting you with Considering a Career. This is a thinly veiled reference to getting a job. I haven't made a decision on what to do next and need to start giving it some serious consideration as I do currently have a job but am due to be made redundant on 3 August. I am not going gently into that good place (despite pompous ass dog walker today saying he once had the option to challenge redundancy but felt it was 'more appropriate to get on with his life'. Pfft.) but am not able to elaborate at present due to secret stuff, which blogs aren't very good for. But. I do have some considerations for the future up my sleeve and when they start to manifest I can share them.

For now I just need the wish out there. As I said.

Yours in hope and fear, AJ x

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