Friday, 11 June 2010

A Juicy Hue

Rumour has it that H is bored with seeing Crockabillies as the latest post. I concur. So if anyone out there has some useful copy for my blog then feel free to send it over. It will serve as back up for the days when I am so busy with my tasks that I seem to leave no time to blog. Which quite frankly isn't good enough and as H pointed out today, I don't want to flake out on Project: Life Changing just at the point it is getting interesting. Well, for those who are interested anyway. So, status updates:

Learning to Drive - No news. Well. Not much. Have decided to go for manual option (reserving the right to switch to automatic if it transpires I am totally crap at clutch work). No provisional licence in post yet. But then I haven't had any bills either, so that's good. And will be off to BSM in the next week or so to have a little play on their driving simulator as Mario Kart on the Wii isn't up to the job.

Getting Thinner - Thinking thin is working, despite the celebratory indulgence of two glasses of wine and half a bag of paprika ribble chips. I am now down to 13 stone 10lbs. OK, so perhaps without the indulgence I may have made it 13 stone 9lbs, but I''ll just think a little harder over the weekend to make up for it

Being Terribly Naughty - Indeed. So naughty I can barely recall the last time I had any good thoughts. I appreciate this endeavour may not make much sense to anyone who has joined in part way through this blog, so I'll have to refer you to my earlier posts. Start at the beginning would be my suggestion.

Considering a Career - Oh yes. Well and truly. Had my last official day in the office today and wow it felt good. It felt good like a whole heap of crap sliding off my shoulders. Ok, so there was a tearful moment or two at the goodbye stage as it was certainly my favouritest job to date and with the best cast of characters I have ever had the joy to work with. But I can sneak back in now and again (with cake) when Mr Button is off being strategic. Or shaving.

Getting Out More - Big up to me for this one. Big up to you know who you are for helping out. Pubs, walks with the dogs, coffees, lunches, gigs, shopping, hanging out and making 'phone calls to arrange stuff. Even a little overseas trip in the offing. Which will involve a plane. Erm. Gulp.

Now I think I can safely say, things are progressing well. Just have to keep up the momentum. But I am going to allow myself a week or two of R&R as I can honestly say I haven't felt this happy inside for ... well, perhaps a year or two. I am genuinely excited about what is to come and yet only a week or two ago I couldn't imagine feeling any kind of happiness again.

Things aren't exactly peachy, but there is something tantalising about what the future might hold. And whilst said future might not be as orange as I would like, from where I am today it's definitely looking brighter.

Yours in hope and fear, AJ x

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