Monday, 28 June 2010


I don't know what's happened to Little Blister, but of late she seems to be spouting little truths with such a profound manner that they stop me in my tragic-on-the-scale-of-Cathy-and-Heathcliff tracks. Not so very long ago I wouldn't have believed it possible, after all, Little Blister has always been regarded as the pretty one. And yes, I will feel a little aggrieved if she starts usurping my position as the smart one. Much as I love her, there is no way (said in voice reminiscent of nine year old me having spat with sibling) she is claiming both spots for herself.

If she wants the smart spot she can have it, but only if she shaves her unfairly thick curly blonde hair, cuts off her doesn't-need-mascara-but-uses-it-anyway-to-make-everyone-jealous eyelashes and ceases and desists with her flashing smile. That way, rats tail baby hair blonde, does need mascara and it's usually a grimace not a smile old me can claim the pretty spot. Albeit tenuously.

Anyway, back to Little Blister's truths, or at least today's truth. During one of her half-hourly phone checks (checks to ensure I'm not clawing at window panes and wailing about like a Kate Bush wannabee) I was blubbering on in my usual way about being rubbish at making friends.

It might sound a little odd to you more normal end of the spectrum folk, but I have never been very comfortable being friendly with people I don't know. Primarily because I worry that they don't really want to talk to me and that in all likelihood they are only being nice to me to be polite.

Now having written it down and committed it to public scrutiny it is clear that someone has been messing with my thought processing abilities. Particularly if you bear in mind the 'logical' conclusion I drew from such a belief was that if people like me they will ... talk to me first? Hmmm. Smart rating reduced accordingly.

And Little Blister's Little Truth? In her matter of fact manner she pointed out that some people might be nice to me because they are nice. Well. I. Never.

So tonight I sign off with a big up to nice people. There's more of you out there than I thought.

Yours in hope and fear, AJ x

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