Tuesday, 15 June 2010


I have heard it say that the Universe will provide. And it certainly came through for me today. The morning started bright enough at 5:50 am, so I had a lie in until 6:40 am before giving in to the big brown eyes and wet noses that surrounded me with their limitless enthusiasm for a morning walk. Glorious sunshine, birdsong and about 100 sweaty men were my reward. And having to pull some grass out of Bob's bum with a dock leaf.

On returning home, I could feel my positivity slipping and a little sadness overcoming me - probably because I was trawling through job sites in order to progress my Considering a Career - and I must confess, I lost the battle and went back to sleep. Because as I have said before, and felt it today, sometimes dreaming seems preferable to filling the hours with distractions.

Luckily though, when I awoke one and a half hours later it struck me that perhaps I had just been tired because the spring returned to my step. (Incidentally, a sleep cycle lasts one and a half hours so if you sleep in multiples of that then you won't feel groggy when you wake. In terms of a good night's sleep that means you will feel better for sleeping six hours than you will seven; or seven and a half rather than eight. Try it, works for me every time.)

So I zipped around, sorting paperwork, washing curtains, drinking coffee, dusting and generally being a domestic goddess while keeping half an eye on the Ivory Coast in the hope they would wup ruddy Portugal (because I still haven't forgiven Portugal for wupping Holland with a shed load of cheatin' last time around).

Now this blog may seem to be going nowhere, but you see, after a slow start, my faith returned enough to move me forward. Then The Lodger came home from work, bright and cheery and up for a beer and a chat. And only minutes later, H paid a surprise visit too. So my last hour of the working day was spent sitting in the sunshine, drinking sloe gin and lemonade and chatting, laughing and enjoying the company of two very lovely people.

As they departed, The Bear arrived home and whether tired or just not happy at being home, his mood wasn't exactly perky. In a previous life this would have bothered me into a mood myself, but not now. It is strange to observe oneself when undergoing behaviour changes, feels a little surreal and perversely interesting, but nonetheless he eased up and relaxed and we enjoyed a few laughs at my football punditry whilst watching Brazil and North Korea - I remarked on the Das Boot officer likeness way before Adrian Chiles mentioned it. Then I received a phone call from a New Friend.

New Friend revived me further with her chatter, enthusiasm and joy that is almost equal to that of BBGs in thrall of a potential walk. And so yes, as promised New Friend, I will be phoning to enquire about that job tomorrow.

You see folks, I stayed with the programme and Universe did provide. Some good dollops of unexpected friendship just when I needed it.

Yours in hope and fear, AJ x

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