Friday, 2 July 2010

Progress Report

As predicted in 'Fasten Your Seatbelts' it is indeed a bumpy ride. I stalled three times on my driving lesson today and nearly had a full blown hissy fit at myself for being so rubbish. To make matters worse I could sense Nice Man Instructor was not having so nice a time of it. Patient as he is I am sure I might be the one to make him blow a gasket, assuming I don't blow one first. So, status update on Learning to Drive is ... maybe. Lesson number four indicates more of a maybe not. Fingers crossed crap driving isn't hereditary because my Nan took about 9000 lessons, eight tests and never passed. Not that it stopped her driving.

Getting Thinner is continuing successful with minimum effort as there are still days when tea and bananas are the most I can manage. Though tonight H made me eat lots of crisps so she wouldn't eat them. So I have had some carbs, and fat, and salt, and pepper. Achieved four of my five a day with two bananas (I'm having that as two even if they are meant to be different), half a pot of wholegrain strawberry yoghurt (strawberries count) and half a bottle of fermented grapes. Am now 13 stone 1.5 pounds. Hourglass is back. Jeans all saggy arsed, belt up two notches and Little Blister preparing for New Wardrobe campaign.

Getting Out More is succeeding on a technicality as I have full responsibility for dog walking. I suggested to Him Formerly Known As Bear that instilling the BBG's with a four walks/wee's a day but-not-in-our-garden habit was not a good idea as it was a) A little restrictive for us and b) Not conducive to making it easy to find someone willing to take on the challenge if we needed time out. Him Formerly Known As Bear disagreed. (Quite likely all part of his plan to make life as difficult for me as possible following his BUA that wasn't the least bit U for him.) So I tried to make Bob and Rock Star wee in the garden tonight, Doodlebug doing it anyway because she's not fussy. My pleading for the two prima-donnas to wee was met with crossed legs and disdainful looks. And a bit of sulking from Bob who hid behind the sun lounger.

So I went out for the seventh time today having to take Bob and Rock Star somewhere else for their toilette. They curtsied accordingly, did their deed and trotted home looking very smug with themselves at winning tonight's battle. Tomorrow is an altogether different day.

Being Terribly Naughty is proving a mixed bag as I have confused myself with the whole reverse psychology thing. Though that could be something to do with the grapes.

Considering a Career is under consideration and inching forward. Daren't say yet. Need to sleep on it, but H gave me a 'hallelulah' in the garden tonight. In a 'Hall - El - Ulah' fashion as if to indicate I was stating the bloody obvious.

Yours in hope and fear, AJ x

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