Sunday, 11 July 2010

Because I Want To

Confession time. I have done what I promised I wouldn't do and that is completely cock up my sleep pattern. I know I have done this effectively because as I write at 6:05 am, not yet having slept, I do not know if I should refer to last night as last night or the night before as last night, being as the night before was the last one that had a night, so to speak.

Anyway, the night before the one I missed out I was a guest at the home of some special people, namely Big Cuz and Juicy. As were the BBG's even though their manners aren't all they should be and even though Rock Star and Pickle don't seem to have hit it off. Pickle is the little man of the house who, just because he is a small person, scares the bejesus out of Rock Star. Which makes Rock Star bark. Which in turn scares the bejesus out of Pickle. And so it goes on, like a scene from Monsters Inc, Rock Star and Pickle in terrified, quivering stand off.

Lucky for me (and Rock Star), Juicy is not actually human. She is in fact a floaty, angelic being, wafting about her motherly duties , remaining calm and unflustered by behavioural oddities in canines, small children and indeed, grown women who cry a lot. There was, unexpectedly, a lot of crying that day. Just sort of woke up with it and it stayed.

This crying malarky comes in waves, creeping up when you least expect it. A stealth attack I am reliably informed. Well bugger stealth attacks. They can bugger off and stealth someone else. I for one am done with them.

Next time I cry it will be because I want to. Or because some special people bring tears to my eyes by asking me to be Godmother to a very special little girl.

Yours in hope and fear, AJ x

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