Friday, 6 August 2010

Dawn Chorus

Wow. So this is what life feels like when you're awake. I like it. With more of the figurative sleeping and a bit less of the beauty I feel like I have been out of circulation for quite some time. Lucky me that I finally got woken by a prick when he managed to grow some balls and put me out of my misery. Phew! Just in time - that Unicorn might have trotted right past the window while I was busy snoozing in my self-deluded bed of roses.

However. On awakening the initial reaction was understandably one of consternation. To put it mildly. Big consternation. And big loneliness. There I was, the dreams of absent friends fading fast as bleary eyed and blurry visioned I was faced with the daunting prospect of getting on with rest of my life on my own. So I thought.Until the troops arrived.

An army of Fairy Godmothers and Princes, Gentle Giants and Guardian Angels descended right on cue to prove me wrong. And much as I hate to be wrong, on this occasion I am honoured to be so. Because not only have all these kind hearts, helping hands, strong shoulders, loaned ears and open arms shown me I am not alone, they have done so with such genuine grace, warmth and humanity that it … well, it brings back those bloody tears!

So, Dear Little Blister and B-in-Law, H, Munchie and Mum, Crockabilly, Big Cuz and Juicy, Little Cuz and Popey, New Male Friend and Kate, The Steamking, Irish, Nana Choclat and Dad, Pop-Pops, Pagan Pal, Pagan Queen …and Con-Con and Tin Tin ... thank you for your wake-up calls. Thank you for helping me see I am not alone.

And thank you for being such a caring and loving and crazy dawn chorus of family and friends heralding the start of a new chapter in my life. I hope you enjoy the read.

Yours in hope & fear, AJ x

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